Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Day 31 - Tuesday, July 1 - Canada Day

Happy Canada Day to all.  We got up early to beat the heat and get downtown for the festivities.  It's neat here the Tourist Info gives tourists 3 day parking passes to park anywhere in the City - so we don't have to worry about parking or paying.  We want to get on the Main Street and park under the shade of one of their beautiful trees.  We also want to tour the museum before the crowds come.  The museum is in the Officers Square and was one of the original garrison buildings.

Dan, with the flag tattooed on his cheeks ready for today's adventure.  

Our tour of the museum was interesting.  One man had the foresight to buy up land for logging, as well as starting a cotton mill and then needing transportation for his products started the first railway called the CE.  A man with a lot of foresight.

We then went on a bit of a walking tour and found the United Church which is still operating today.  The doors weren't open so we didmt get to go in.  

Seems the first of the tall buildings were always the churches.  Not sure how tall it was, but Dan thinks it stood at least 60' tall.  

Canada Day Opening Ceremonies included the Guard being piped in.

Lots of people, all shapes, sizes and cultures. We met quite a few locals during our visit.

A cute couple of ladies we met in the park today.  Two sisters, the eldest (84) lives here in Fredericton and the younger one (72) lives in England.  They were very chatty and wanted to take us back to the house but the husband and son were painting it today (some hot job) and the place was a mess.  They were interesting ladies for sure.

Happy Canada Day everyone!

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