Thursday 14 August 2014

Day 74 - Wednesday, August 13 - Thunder Bay or Bust!

Sometime during the night it quit raining - thank goodness it had rained for over 24 hours straight! - we had to have the electric heater on last night because it was cold and damp.  But the sun is shining this morning so a promising day ahead.  

We are on the road again and leaving the Soo behind us.  I guess they adopted that nickname to distinguish themselves from the US City.  At least that is what someone told me. 

We are travelling once again beside Lake Superior.  The Great Lakes is surely a name that fits as they are certainly great! And beautiful - this morning the waters are sparkling, calm and looking happy.  There are certainly a lot of cabins / homes built on little islands in various bays and channels.  They must not have to worry about erosion. 

We have barely scratched the surface of what Ontario has to offer - a Circle Tour of Lake Superior done properly would probably take 2-3 weeks and that is only one part of the province.  And then there are fishing opportunities that could take many weeks to discover and enjoy.   We met a couple in Nova Scotia from Vancouver Island that were on their 5th trip across Canada - I can see why now.  

The view of the water ahead is from the top of one of the many hills or mountainous areas on this route.  Lots of climbing again today.  Still lots of bridgework going on in this area of the province as well.
We stopped at Lake Superior Provincial Park info centre at Agawa Bay to find out about the Pictographs.  We wanted to hike down to see them.  The attendant told us how far to go and that the path was pretty rugged so wear proper shoes.  So off we go down Hwy 17 and take the turnoff into the road that leads to the parking lot - not very big rig friendly though.  We get all decked out with running shoes and get Gidget on her leash and over to the trail we go.  Well we have to have a permit to park there and no dogs are allowed - well why didn't the attendant at the info centre tell us that.  So we decide we aren't staying - Dan thought we should just put Gidget back and go for it - good thing we didn't as we left we met the park ranger coming in.  There is a $30 fine if you are caught without a permit.  I guess as Dan says nothing is free anymore, you just pay, pay, pay!  We will be smarter next time maybe. Ha! 

Tim Horton sign - yeah it's coffee time.  So off the highway and into Wawa we go.  Here's the Goose statue that greets you at the entrance to the town.

We go to pull into timmies but there is a sign no trucks/ trailers.  Okay let's look for a parking area - signs all over the place and in any potential parking area "NO PARKING" .  So the only spot that we could get into a Moho was already in, but it could have been a no parking spot as well. So no coffee for us and Wawa is not big rig friendly.  Hmmm.  Maybe there is coffee further down the road.

This unit in front of us reminds us of the Clampets, you know Jethro, Elli May and Granny!   We have passed him a few times, just recently he pulled over to secure his load.  I could only get the back, but it is a small pickup with the box loaded and a front plow on the front, pulling a fully loaded trailer with bikes on the sides.  Looks like he is taking all his worldy possessions and moving somewhere. 

We needed a coffee badly and all of a sudden round a corner we see a motel/campground/restaurant.  So Dan stops at the second entrance and then we looked at each other and said well how bad could the coffee be?  We went in and she made a fresh pot for us.  The place was called Moose Lake Lodge. Boy does it need some work.  Well we got our coffee to go - the place was a bit dirty and then we found we couldn't drink it - it tasted funny.  Dan said she had many pots of water beside the coffee maker, so not sure if they have to bring in water or not.  Anyway our third wasted stop and we had to throw the coffee away to boot! 

At White River, Winnie the Poo Town, we stopped at A&W for lunch and coffee - you always know you get a good cup there!  

Marathon is the next stop for fuel.  Looks like fuel has taken a jump - all places advertising $1.499, but when we came through Marathon on the way over it had the cheapest fuel then.  Well today, no different - the Esso on the highway at Marathon was $1.499 and downtown at Extra Foods it was $1.376 - so we scored again.  12 cents a litre cheaper!  This was our 30th stop for fuel since we left home.  

Dan says - hurry get your camera ready something like a chicken is coming up behind us and is going to pass.  So I did - it was a yellow chicken paddle boat mounted on the back of a pickup - this is the back end of it. Ha!

Rest stop at Rossport Picnic site - very warm now with the sun shining and the little rest stop is Amazing - too bad we couldn't camp here.  Nice sandy beach area.  

We have been stopped on and off once we left Rossport for bridge construction.  We just stopped here overlooking Nipigon Bay - beautiful view.  And the red rock outcroppings along the road are much like sculptures.

Well this is just how our day is going - we got to the Panorama Amethyst Mine and it was closed!  Darn, oh well chalk it up to our dumb luck.

We made it to Thunder Bay finally after all the road construction delays!  We stopped at the Tourist Info but it was closed.  So we walked out to look at the Terry Fox Memorial that the city had built in his honor.  It was close to this very spot at the entrance to Thunder Bay that Terry had to stop his walk and give in to his cancer.  He was only 18 when he lost his leg and he was only 22 when he lost his battle with cancer.  Makes you think how delicate life is and how each day should be cherished.  

Well we found Walmart and have parked along side many other campers for the night!  Time for a glass of wine and some salad for dinner!  

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