Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 80 - Tuesday, August 19 - Moose Jaw

Welcome to Moose Jaw!  Let me introduce you to Mac The Moose - he is 32 ft tall and is 30 years old! Mac lives at the info centre along with one of Canada's Snow Birds.

These two adorn the property at the unique Moose Jaw info centre.  

This is quite a colourful town.  The info centre also operates the Trolley Tour Bus - which used to run under electric power years ago - when you could get 4 rides for 25 cents.  Today the tour cost $12.00 per person!  We took this tour of the town and it was very interesting.

The City Hall used to be the Canada Post Office - beautiful structure. 

One of the affluent houses downtown.

The Tunnels of Moose Jaw. The underground tunnels spin a lot of stories of the days of gangsters and immigrant Chinese workers.  

Al Capone hid out here when the heat got too much for him in Chicago.  He had quite an affluent business during prohibition and Moose Jaw was referred to as Little Chicago because of the dealings that Al Capone and his gang had going on.

The tunnels were also home to the Chinese Immigrants that were working in the Laundries and the Sack Factories.  They were paid very little and had to live in deplorable conditions in the tunnels that connected the many businesses in Moose Jaw.  The tours were very enlightening - the tunnels have been made safe for tourists and even at that were a bit spooky.  I wouldn't want the life of a Chinese Immigrant in that era! 

The Capital Theatre has been restored and now hosts various theatrical events.

It was a very interesting day and the weather was very warm - 30 degrees.  But as soon as we were done and heading back to the Moho the skies started to rumble and then lightning shot across the sky - we just got back before the rains started.  A severe thunder storm is forecasted for tonight.  We leave in the morning and hope the weather settles before then. 

The one negative in Moose Jaw is that the streets are rough and full of potholes and lumps as well.  There is a group of potholes as you enter the campsite and one of them could eat up a Volkswagen bug!  Today they were crack sealing the Main Street and the road already looks like a zebra with many stripes!  

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