Friday 15 August 2014

Day 76 - Friday, August 15 - Travelling Across Manitoba

Today is the day that our friend, Laura, is having her second hip operation.  We are praying that all goes according to plan and await that news!  :)

We have also heard that our God Daughter, Karianne, is officially on baby watch - so we could get that news anytime as well.  

We are leaving Kenora this morning and the Lake of the Woods.  It surely is a big, beautiful lake.  Dotted all along the shoreline are cabins and docks tied with various types of fishing boats and recreational boats bobbing up and down in the lake.  The lake is a deep, deep blue colour with small waves breaking the surface.  Very pretty.  The area is certainly a hundred times busier than when we here two months ago.  

Ontario is definitely a province with a lot of wilderness and endless opportunity for outdoor activity of all kinds.  

I called ahead to the KOA campsite in Portage La Prairie last night to make a reservation and they are closed.  Apparently they were flooded out and are still cleaning up.  I asked at the info centre this morning about the flood and the attendant said that the flood was 3-4 weeks go and Brandon got the worst if it.  Well we plan to stop at Brandon so hope all is cleaned up.  I remember when we came through it was very wet and some roads were closed off due to high water, but thought that was more in Sasketchewan.  I also called the Travellers Campsite just east of Winnipeg, but they were full.  So no campsite means no exploring Winnipeg - it's hot (34 degrees) and we can't leave Gidget in the Moho without air con.  So maybe next time Winnipeg - I really wanted to go to the Polar Bear Exhibit at the Winnipeg Zoo.  

We stopped for Gas at the bypass in Winnipeg - $1.269 - awesome.  We have been pretty lucky with fuel prices so far.  We are in John Deere country now - lots of green machines everywhere you look! 

As we drove by the KOA you could see the mud in all the sites - they are right beside the Assiniboine River and it looks pretty high and muddy.  It will be a lost season for that campground, still lots to do.  Oh man the roads here are terrible - you don't drive you bump from one section of concrete to the next. Bump, bump, bump .....

Mmm, the sweet smell of crops ripening in the fields - soon to be harvested.  Fields of crop for as far as the eye can see - golden brown, green and yellow.  

Good news we heard that Laura came through her operation fine - so we will toast that.  Cheers :) 

We are settled in Brandon for the night but it feels stormy.  Brandon also had lots of flooding from the Assiniboine River overflowing its banks.  They lost two parks and a soccer field that we saw, but we are sure there is more devastation we cannot see.  It seems like there is tons of mud left behind where the water was.  It's an ugly mess.  They certainly do not need anymore rain here at all.  

We are off to Virden tomorrow for the weekend.  

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